Beques per Projectes Final de Carrera de Google

Informació de l'esdeveniment


Des de Google ens fan arribar aquestes ofertes per que publicitem, si esteu interessats heu de seguir les instruccions de cada plana web:

Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship: Europe, Middle East and Africa -       Scholarship for female Bachelor's, Master's and PhD students studying Computer Science or a closely related technical field -       Deadline for applications: February 17, 2014 -       Recipients will receive a 7000 EUR Scholarship and have the opportunity to attend a networking retreat in summer 2014

Google Europe Scholarship for Students with Disabilities -       Scholarship for Bachelor's, Master's or PhD students with a disability studying Computer Science or a closely related technical field. -       Deadline for applications: February 17, 2014 -       Recipients will receive a 7000 EUR Scholarship