Xerrada: Enerbotics, the use of robotic tools for solving power electronics and renewable energy problems

A càrrec del Dr. Fernando Auat (Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María de Xile)

Informació de l'esdeveniment
Sala de Graus

Jaume II, 69

Activitat gratuïta
EPS - Internacional
Telèfon: 973 702705
Email: vicedirector@eps.udl.cat
Xerrada AUAT 2018

El proper dijous 1 de març, de 12 a 13 h, a la Sala de Graus, el Dr. Fernando Auat, professor del Departament d'Electrònica procedent de la Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María de Xile farà una xerrada-presentació sobre Enerbotics, the use of robotic tools for solving power electronics and renewable energy problems. És una conferència que us recomanen a tots aquells que estigueu interessats en les energies renovables i en com la robòtica pot ajudar a la seva implantació.

 A més a més, també es farà una presentació de la Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María de Xile i de les seves possibilitats de mobilitat. Dir-vos que és una molt bona universitat i que els estudiants de l'EPS que hi han estat sempre han tingut una molt bona experiència i tornen molt contents.

Podeu veure un petit vídeo d'estudiants de l'EPS que l'any passat van anar a aquesta Universitat.


Title: Enerbotics, the use of robotic tools for solving power electronics and renewable energy problems

Abstract: Nowadays power systems face several challenges in order to address the growing need for sustainable energy worldwide. In this context, several tasks directly focused on power systems operation can be either automated or completely accomplished by an unmanned or tele-operated robotic system. Robots can improve efficiency, reduce labour costs and, more important, avoid operational risks, since power plants and transmission lines are hostile environments for humans. Although there has been an incipient development of robotic applications in several tasks related to power systems,
it is still a technology under research and development: it is highly dependent on the nature of
the tasks to be performed and a unified framework of applications does not exist yet. The aim of this presentation is to show the problems we face in Chile with my group and the R+D+I we are doing in this field.

Short bio: Fernando Auat Cheein received the B.S. degree in Electronics Engineering from Universidad Nacional de Tucuman, Argentina, in 2002 and the M.S. and Ph.D. degree in Control Systems from Universidad Nacional de San Juan, Argentina, in 2005 and 2009 respectively. Since 2017, he is an Associate Professor with the Department of Electronic Engineering, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Valparaíso, Chile. He is funder of GRAI (Autonomous and Industrial Robotics Research Group) and part of the board of the Advanced Center for Electrical and Electronic Engineering in Chile. He is currently supervising 9 PhD students and several MSc students. His graduates have funded companies and work around the globe. He also won in 2015 and 2016 the national award on technology innovation given the Association of Electricity Companies in Chile. In research, Dr. Auat Cheein has near 35 journal papers, several in conferences and book chapters, and served as reviewer and  scientific board
to numerous journals and conferences