Miquel Carrera Vilanova

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Miquel Carrera Vilanova


Titular  d’Universitat / Titular de Universidad / Tenured University Lecturer


Física Aplicada / Física Aplicada / Applied Physics


Química, Física, Ciències Ambientals i del Sòl / Química, Física, Ciencias Ambientales y del Suelo / Chemistry, Physics, Environmental and Soil Sciences


 Escola Politècnica Superior / Escuela Politécnica Superior/ Polytechnic School


Campus Cappont. Edifici EPS. Despatx 2.09 / Campus Cappont. Edificio EPS. Despacho 2.09Campus Cappont. EPS Building. Office 2.09


+34 973 70 27 22




Formació acadèmica / Formación académica / Academic training

  • Doctor en Física (Universitat de Barcelona)
  • Doctor en Física (Universidad de Barcelona)
  • PhD Physics (University of Barcelona)



Experiència professional / Experiencia profesional / Professional experience

  • Docència universitària: UPC període 1986-1990; UdL des de 1990
  • Recerca: membre del grup de recerca "Superconducting Materials and Large Scale Nanostructuring" , Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona (ICMAB-CSIC), Ref. actual 2017 SGR 1519
  • Docencia universitaria: UPC período 1986-1990; UdL desde 1990
  • Investigación: miembro del grupo "Superconducting Materials and Large Scale Nanostructuring" , Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona (ICMAB-CSIC), Ref. actual 2017 SGR 1519
  • Teaching at university: UPC 1986-1990; UdL from 1990



Docència / Docencia / Teaching

  • Grau en Enginyeria Informàtica
  • Doble Grau en Enginyeria Informàtica i ADE
  • Grau en Enginyeria Mecànica
  • Grau en Enginyeria Electrònica Industrial i Automàtica
  • Grau en Enginyeria de l'Energia i Sostenibilitat
  • Grado en Ingeniería Informática
  • Doble Grado en Ingeniería Informática y ADE
  • Grau en Ingeniería Mecánica
  • Grado en Ingeniería Electrónica Industrial y Automática
  • Grado en Ingeniería de la Energía y Sostenibilidad
  • Degree in Computer Engineering
  • Double Degree in Computer Engineering and ADE
  • Degree in Mechanical Engineering
  • Degree in Industrial Electronics and Automation Engineering
  • Degree in Energy and Sustainability Engineering



Gestió / Gestión / Management

Recerca / Investigación / Research

Àmbit de recerca / Ambito de investigación / Research area


Superconductivity, Superconducting devices, Superconducting tapes, Hall probes, magnetometry, Critical currents, Inversion problem UNESCO codis: 2202.08, 2202.11, 2211.27, 3312.08, 3312.12


Superconductivity, Superconducting devices, Superconducting tapes, Hall probes, magnetometry, Critical currents, Inversion problem UNESCO: 2202.08, 2202.11, 2211.27, 3312.08, 3312.12


Superconductivity, Superconducting devices, Superconducting tapes, Hall probes, magnetometry, Critical currents, Inversion problem UNESCO: 2202.08, 2202.11, 2211.27, 3312.08, 3312.12

Activitats de recerca / Actividades de investigación / Research activities

  1. Publicacions


Jaume Amorós , Arnau Duran, Miquel Carrera, Josep López and Xavier Granados

Singular spectrum analysis filtering and  Fourier  inversion:  an  efficient and fast way to improve resolution and quality of current density maps with low-cost Hall scanning systems

Measurement Science and Technology

Vol: 30  pp: 015010 (15pp)  Year: 2019  Lugar publicación: UK ISSN: 0957-0233

DOI:  10.1088/1361-6501/aaf13a


Sotelo G.G, Sass F, Carrera M, Lopez-Lopez J, Granados X

Proposal of a novel design for linear superconducting motor using 2G tape stacks

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics

Vol: 65   Num: 9 pp: 7477- 7484 Year: 2018 Lugar publicación: USA

ISSN: 0278-0046

DOI:  10.1109/TIE.2018.2793252


Sotelo G.G, Carrera M, Lopez-Lopez J, Granados X

H-Formulation  FEM  modeling  of  the  current  distribution  in  2G  HTS tapes and its experimental validation using Hall probe mapping

IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity

Vol: 26 Num:8 Num.art: 6603510  Year: 2016 Lugar publicación: USA ISSN: 1051-8223

DOI:  10.1109/TASC.2016.2591825


Sotelo G.G, Granados X, Carrera M, Lopez-Lopez J Torsional dependence of the critical current in 2G tapes

IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity

Vol:26 Num: 3 Num. art: 6602505 Year: 2016 Lugar publicación: USA ISSN: 1051-8223

DOI:  10.1109/TASC.2016.2533581


Amorós J, Carrera M, Granados X

An effective model for fast computation current distribution in operating HTS tapes from magnetic field measurements in non-destructive testing Superconductor Science & Technology

Vol: 25    pp: 1-8    Year: 2012    Lugar de publicación: UK

ISSN: 0953-2048

DOI:  10.1088/0953-2048/25/10/104005


II. Investigador en els projectes:

Project/Contract: Superconducting REBa2Cu3O7-x Materials and funcionalites for Technological devices (SuMaTe)

Type of contract/program: Proyectos I+D+i Convocatoria RETOS 2018 Funding institution: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Spain

Num. Project/contract: RTI2018-095853-B-C21    Funding: 375.100 €

From: 01-01-2019     to: 31-12-2021

IP: Teresa Puig Molina (ICMAB-CSIC), Xavier Obradors (ICMAB-CSIC)


Project/Contract:  Cost  effective  FCL  using  advanced  superconducting tapes for future HVDC grids (FASTGRID)

Type of contract/program: Horizon 2020,   H2020-NMBP-2016-2017 Funding institution: EU H2020

Num.   Project/contract:   72101      Funding   Total:   9,031,376.79€,   EU

contribution:  7,248,235.42€  From: 01/01/2017, to: 01/07/2020

Coordinator: Pascal Tixador (CNRS, France), IP Local: Xavier Obradors (ICMAB-CSIC)


Project/Contract: Cintas superconductoras y heteroestructuras  de oxidos de bajo coste para el reto energético / Cost effective approaches to chemical superconducting conductors and oxide heterostructures for energy challenges (CoachSupenergy)

Type of contract/program: Proyectos I+D+i Convocatoria RETOS 2014

Funding institution: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Spain

Num. Project/contract: MAT2014-51778-C2-1-R    Funding: 580.800€ From: 01-01-2015  to: 31-12-2017 (extended to 31-12-2018)

IP: Teresa Puig Molina (ICMAB-CSIC)


Project/Contract: European development of superconducting tapes: Integrating novel materials and architectures into cost effective processes for power applications and magnets (EUROTAPES).

Type   of   contract/program:   7   Programa   Marco   de   la   Comunidad Europea  (FP7/2007-2013)

Funding institution: EU FP7

Num.  Project/contract:  NMP3-LA-2012-280432    Total  Funding:  13  M€ (ICMAB: 1.5 M€)

From: 1/09/2012,  to: 1/03/2017

Coordinator: Xavier Obradors (ICMAB-CSIC)


Project/Contract: Materiales avanzados y Nanotecnologias para dispositivos y sistemas eléctricos y magnetoelectrónicos innovadores (NANOSELECT)

Type of contract/program: Consolider (CSD)

Funding institution: Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, Spain

Num.          Project/contract:           CSD2007-00041                      Funding: 5.950.000,00€                  From: 2007 ,  to: 2013

Coordinator: Xavier Obradors Berenguer (ICMAB-CSIC)

  1. Publicacions


Jaume Amorós , Arnau Duran, Miquel Carrera, Josep López and Xavier Granados

Singular spectrum analysis filtering and  Fourier  inversion:  an  efficient and fast way to improve resolution and quality of current density maps with low-cost Hall scanning systems

Measurement Science and Technology

Vol: 30  pp: 015010 (15pp)  Year: 2019  Lugar publicación: UK ISSN: 0957-0233

DOI:  10.1088/1361-6501/aaf13a


Sotelo G.G, Sass F, Carrera M, Lopez-Lopez J, Granados X

Proposal of a novel design for linear superconducting motor using 2G tape stacks

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics

Vol: 65   Num: 9 pp: 7477- 7484 Year: 2018 Lugar publicación: USA

ISSN: 0278-0046

DOI:  10.1109/TIE.2018.2793252


Sotelo G.G, Carrera M, Lopez-Lopez J, Granados X

H-Formulation  FEM  modeling  of  the  current  distribution  in  2G  HTS tapes and its experimental validation using Hall probe mapping

IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity

Vol: 26 Num:8 Num.art: 6603510  Year: 2016 Lugar publicación: USA ISSN: 1051-8223

DOI:  10.1109/TASC.2016.2591825


Sotelo G.G, Granados X, Carrera M, Lopez-Lopez J Torsional dependence of the critical current in 2G tapes

IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity

Vol:26 Num: 3 Num. art: 6602505 Year: 2016 Lugar publicación: USA ISSN: 1051-8223

DOI:  10.1109/TASC.2016.2533581


Amorós J, Carrera M, Granados X

An effective model for fast computation current distribution in operating HTS tapes from magnetic field measurements in non-destructive testing Superconductor Science & Technology

Vol: 25    pp: 1-8    Year: 2012    Lugar de publicación: UK

ISSN: 0953-2048

DOI:  10.1088/0953-2048/25/10/104005


II. Investigador en els projectes:

Project/Contract: Superconducting REBa2Cu3O7-x Materials and funcionalites for Technological devices (SuMaTe)

Type of contract/program: Proyectos I+D+i Convocatoria RETOS 2018 Funding institution: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Spain

Num. Project/contract: RTI2018-095853-B-C21    Funding: 375.100 €

From: 01-01-2019     to: 31-12-2021

IP: Teresa Puig Molina (ICMAB-CSIC), Xavier Obradors (ICMAB-CSIC)


Project/Contract:  Cost  effective  FCL  using  advanced  superconducting tapes for future HVDC grids (FASTGRID)

Type of contract/program: Horizon 2020,   H2020-NMBP-2016-2017 Funding institution: EU H2020

Num.   Project/contract:   72101      Funding   Total:   9,031,376.79€,   EU

contribution:  7,248,235.42€  From: 01/01/2017, to: 01/07/2020

Coordinator: Pascal Tixador (CNRS, France), IP Local: Xavier Obradors (ICMAB-CSIC)


Project/Contract: Cintas superconductoras y heteroestructuras  de oxidos de bajo coste para el reto energético / Cost effective approaches to chemical superconducting conductors and oxide heterostructures for energy challenges (CoachSupenergy)

Type of contract/program: Proyectos I+D+i Convocatoria RETOS 2014

Funding institution: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Spain

Num. Project/contract: MAT2014-51778-C2-1-R    Funding: 580.800€ From: 01-01-2015  to: 31-12-2017 (extended to 31-12-2018)

IP: Teresa Puig Molina (ICMAB-CSIC)


Project/Contract: European development of superconducting tapes: Integrating novel materials and architectures into cost effective processes for power applications and magnets (EUROTAPES).

Type   of   contract/program:   7   Programa   Marco   de   la   Comunidad Europea  (FP7/2007-2013)

Funding institution: EU FP7

Num.  Project/contract:  NMP3-LA-2012-280432    Total  Funding:  13  M€ (ICMAB: 1.5 M€)

From: 1/09/2012,  to: 1/03/2017

Coordinator: Xavier Obradors (ICMAB-CSIC)


Project/Contract: Materiales avanzados y Nanotecnologias para dispositivos y sistemas eléctricos y magnetoelectrónicos innovadores (NANOSELECT)

Type of contract/program: Consolider (CSD)

Funding institution: Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, Spain

Num.          Project/contract:           CSD2007-00041                      Funding: 5.950.000,00€                  From: 2007 ,  to: 2013

Coordinator: Xavier Obradors Berenguer (ICMAB-CSIC)

  1. Publicacions


Jaume Amorós , Arnau Duran, Miquel Carrera, Josep López and Xavier Granados

Singular spectrum analysis filtering and  Fourier  inversion:  an  efficient and fast way to improve resolution and quality of current density maps with low-cost Hall scanning systems

Measurement Science and Technology

Vol: 30  pp: 015010 (15pp)  Year: 2019  Lugar publicación: UK ISSN: 0957-0233

DOI:  10.1088/1361-6501/aaf13a


Sotelo G.G, Sass F, Carrera M, Lopez-Lopez J, Granados X

Proposal of a novel design for linear superconducting motor using 2G tape stacks

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics

Vol: 65   Num: 9 pp: 7477- 7484 Year: 2018 Lugar publicación: USA

ISSN: 0278-0046

DOI:  10.1109/TIE.2018.2793252


Sotelo G.G, Carrera M, Lopez-Lopez J, Granados X

H-Formulation  FEM  modeling  of  the  current  distribution  in  2G  HTS tapes and its experimental validation using Hall probe mapping

IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity

Vol: 26 Num:8 Num.art: 6603510  Year: 2016 Lugar publicación: USA ISSN: 1051-8223

DOI:  10.1109/TASC.2016.2591825


Sotelo G.G, Granados X, Carrera M, Lopez-Lopez J Torsional dependence of the critical current in 2G tapes

IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity

Vol:26 Num: 3 Num. art: 6602505 Year: 2016 Lugar publicación: USA ISSN: 1051-8223

DOI:  10.1109/TASC.2016.2533581


Amorós J, Carrera M, Granados X

An effective model for fast computation current distribution in operating HTS tapes from magnetic field measurements in non-destructive testing Superconductor Science & Technology

Vol: 25    pp: 1-8    Year: 2012    Lugar de publicación: UK

ISSN: 0953-2048

DOI:  10.1088/0953-2048/25/10/104005


II. Investigador en els projectes:

Project/Contract: Superconducting REBa2Cu3O7-x Materials and funcionalites for Technological devices (SuMaTe)

Type of contract/program: Proyectos I+D+i Convocatoria RETOS 2018 Funding institution: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Spain

Num. Project/contract: RTI2018-095853-B-C21    Funding: 375.100 €

From: 01-01-2019     to: 31-12-2021

IP: Teresa Puig Molina (ICMAB-CSIC), Xavier Obradors (ICMAB-CSIC)


Project/Contract:  Cost  effective  FCL  using  advanced  superconducting tapes for future HVDC grids (FASTGRID)

Type of contract/program: Horizon 2020,   H2020-NMBP-2016-2017 Funding institution: EU H2020

Num.   Project/contract:   72101      Funding   Total:   9,031,376.79€,   EU

contribution:  7,248,235.42€  From: 01/01/2017, to: 01/07/2020

Coordinator: Pascal Tixador (CNRS, France), IP Local: Xavier Obradors (ICMAB-CSIC)


Project/Contract: Cintas superconductoras y heteroestructuras  de oxidos de bajo coste para el reto energético / Cost effective approaches to chemical superconducting conductors and oxide heterostructures for energy challenges (CoachSupenergy)

Type of contract/program: Proyectos I+D+i Convocatoria RETOS 2014

Funding institution: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Spain

Num. Project/contract: MAT2014-51778-C2-1-R    Funding: 580.800€ From: 01-01-2015  to: 31-12-2017 (extended to 31-12-2018)

IP: Teresa Puig Molina (ICMAB-CSIC)


Project/Contract: European development of superconducting tapes: Integrating novel materials and architectures into cost effective processes for power applications and magnets (EUROTAPES).

Type   of   contract/program:   7   Programa   Marco   de   la   Comunidad Europea  (FP7/2007-2013)

Funding institution: EU FP7

Num.  Project/contract:  NMP3-LA-2012-280432    Total  Funding:  13  M€ (ICMAB: 1.5 M€)

From: 1/09/2012,  to: 1/03/2017

Coordinator: Xavier Obradors (ICMAB-CSIC)


Project/Contract: Materiales avanzados y Nanotecnologias para dispositivos y sistemas eléctricos y magnetoelectrónicos innovadores (NANOSELECT)

Type of contract/program: Consolider (CSD)

Funding institution: Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, Spain

Num.          Project/contract:           CSD2007-00041                      Funding: 5.950.000,00€                  From: 2007 ,  to: 2013

Coordinator: Xavier Obradors Berenguer (ICMAB-CSIC)






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