Grups de Recerca
Descarregar PdfEls grups de recerca són les unitats fonamentals de l'activitat investigadora de la UdL encarregats de contribuir a l’augment de la competitivitat de les empreses, donar resposta a les necessitats de formació especialitzada i a la realització de formació continuada orientada a empreses, onar suport a la innovació tecnològica, la transferència de tecnologia i a la col·laboració en convocatòries de programes de recerca finançada i enfortir el procés d'internacionalització de la ciència i tecnologia en el nostre territori. A l'EPS s'hi vinculen 9 grups de recerca on hi participen, aproximadament, uns 150 investigadors.
Distributed Computing Group (GCD)
Dades Generals
Adreça Professional: EPS - C/ Jaume II, 69 (Lleida - 25001) - Laboratori 3.07 Pàgina Web: Coordinadora del grup: Concepció Roig Correu-e: concepció Telèfon: 973 702 711 Àmbit temàtic: Enginyeria i Arquitectura |
The research carried out by the Distributed Computing Group (GCD) of the University of Lleida is orientated to the parallel computation in heterogeneous Cluster/Multicluster and Peer-to-Peer (P2P) environments. In this framework, the most important contributions have been realized in topics of modeling of parallel applications, mapping and scheduling of tasks, scheduling of computational resources, prediction of performance and access to large scale multimedia services.
Equip Investigador
- Concepció Roig
- Francesc Solsona
- Francesc Giné
- Fernando Guirado
- Fernando Cores
- Josep Lluís Lérida
- Carla Vintró
- Jordi Mateo
- Ivan Teixidó
- Josep Maria Rius
- Jordi Vilaplana
- Eloi Gabaldón
Cryptography and Graphs (C&G)
Dades Generals
Adreça Professional: EPS - Jaume II, 69 (Lleida - 25001) - Laboratori 1.05 Pàgina Web: Coordinador del grup: Josep Maria Miret Correu-e: Telèfon: 973 702 741 Àmbit temàtic: Ciències |
The Cryptography & Graphs Research Group (C&G) in Universitat de Lleida constitutes a well-established research team with a track record of more than 15 years of scientific activities. The team members in the C&G group are part of the Department of Mathematics and the Polytechnic Institute of Research and Innovation in Sustainability (InsPIReS). Most members of the C&G group teach in the degree and the master of Computer Science at the Escola Politècnica Superior (EPS).
The research interests of the members in the C&G group lie between theory and applications, mainly in the following two areas: Cryptography and Graph Theory.
In the area of Cryptography, our research focuses on computational aspects of algebraic curve cryptography and design of secure cryptographic protocols for RFID technology, smart cards and e-voting systems.
In the area of Graph Theory, our research concerns open problems on dense and eccentric digraphs, extremal problems and privacy-preserving social network data analysis.
Equip Investigador
- Carles Comas
- Josep Conde
- Cristina Dalfó
- Nacho López
- Susana Clara López
- Sílvia Miquel
- Josep Maria Miret
- Jordi Pujolàs
- Francesc Sebé
- Magda Valls
Postdoctoral Researchers
- Arnau Messegué
Current Ph.D. Students
- Sergi Blanch
- Pol Llagostera
- Vítor Luiz
- Marc Solé
Past Ph.D. Students
- Núria Busom
- Saadia El Obadi
- Ricard Garra
- Víctor Mateu
- Edgardo Riquelme
- Gora Adj
- Ricard Borges
- Santi Martínez
- Hebert Pérez
- Rosana Tomàs
- Javier Valera
Former Members
- Joan Gimbert
- Ramiro Moreno
- Ernest Villaró
Former Grantholders
- Oriol Carro
- Ma. Àngels Cerveró
- Meritxell Jordana
- Francisco Marias
- Santiago Risco
- Kumar Saurav
- Sergi Sisó
Research group in Energy and Artificial Intelligence (GREia)
Dades Generals
Adreça Professional: EPS-CREA, Pere de Cabrera, s/n (Lleida - 25001) Pàgina Web: Coordinadora del grup: Luisa Fernanda Cabeza Correu-e: Telèfon: 973 003 704 Fax: 973 003 575
Àmbit temàtic: Enginyeria i Arquitectura |
The GREiA research group (Research group in energy and artificial intelligence), of University of Lleida, is born from the union of the research group in energy GREA and the research group in artificial intelligence IA. The collaboration of these two groups begins in 2014. The general line of research that defines the activity of the group is to provide answers and solutions related to the fields of energy engineering, industrial and construction design, sustainability and intelligence artificial.
Equip Investigador
- Luisa F. Cabeza
- César Fernández
- Ramon Béjar
- Teresa Alsinet
- Jordi Planes
- José Ramon Castro
- Josep Argelich
- Carles Mateu
- Josep Maria Morera
- Esther Bartolí
- Santi Martínez
Post Doctoral Researchers
- Emiliano Borri
- Gabriel Zsembinszki
- Javier Fernández
- Rodrigo Martínez
- Edgar Rojas
- Nadiya Mehraj
- Sara Risco
- Alba Bravo
Logic, Optimization and Robotics (LOR)
Dades Generals
Adreça Professional: EPS - Jaume II, 69 (Lleida - 25001) - Despatx 2.16 Pàgina Web: Coordinador del grup: Carlos Ansótegui Correu-e: Telèfon: 973 702 744 Àmbit temàtic: Enginyeria i Arquitectura |
Our group brings together researchers from Universitat de Lleida (UdL) and Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC). We focus on the design of efficient solving techniques for industrial combinatorial optimization and machine learning problems, and on the design of automatic configuration and selection techniques for a wide range of applications. On the more theoretical side, we work on computational complexity, proof complexity and complex networks analysis.
Equip Investigador
- Carlos Ansótegui
- Alba Cabiscol
- Jesús Ojeda
- Xavi Sabi
- Eduard Torres
- Maria Luisa Bonet
- Juan Luis Esteban
- Josep Pon
- Josep Maria Salvia
- Josep Alòs
Research Collaborators
- Sam Buss. Full Professor at University of California, San Diego
- Jordi Levy. Associate Professor at Artificial Intelligence Research Laboratory from CSIC
- Meinolf Sellmann. Technical Operations Leader at General Electric Company, USA.
- Kevin Tierney. Assistant Professor at University of Paderborn
Signal Processing and Robotics Group (GPSR)
Dades Generals
Adreça Professional: EPS - Jaume II (Lleida - 25001) - Despatx 2.04 Pàgina Web: Coordinador del grup: Jordi Palacín Correu-e: Telèfon: 973 702 760 Fax: 973 702 702 Àmbit temàtic: Enginyeria i Arquitectura |
Equip Investigador
- Jordi Palacín
- Tomàs Pallejà
- Marcel Tresánchez
- Eduard Clotet
- Albert Saiz
- Francisco Clariá
- Juan Antonio Garriga
Investigadors en formació
- Elena Rúbies
- Ricard Bitrià
Estudiants de grau i màster
- Enric Gironès
- Bogdan Constant Turcu
Human-Computer Interaction and Data Integration Research Group (GRIHO)
Dades Generals
Adreça Professional: EPS - Jaume II, 69 (Lleida - 25001) - Despatx 3.03 Pàgina Web: Coordinador del grup: Toni Granollers Correu-e: Telèfon: 973 702 740 - 973 70 27 59 (GRIHOxIT) Àmbit temàtic: Enginyeria i Arquitectura |
GRIHO is the name of the HCI and Data integration Research Group, assigned to Computer Science and Industrial Engineering Department of University of Lleida.
The maing goals of this inter-universitary group are: teaching, research and tecnology transfer related with Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) field.
Equip Investigador
- Roberto García
- Toni Granollers
- Marta Oliva
- Juan Manuel Gimeno
- Rosa Maria Gil
- Montserrat Sendín
- Sergio Sayago
- Féix Albertos
- Juan Enrique Garrido
- Mercè Teixidó
- Afra Pascual
- Pepita Raventós
- Marc González
- Marc Viladegut
- Albert Berga
- Jordi Virgili
Sustainable Energy, Machinery and Buildings (SEMB)
Adreça Professional: EPS CREA - Pere de Cabrera, s/n (Lleida - 25001) - Laboratori 0.14 Pàgina Web: Coordinador del grup: Íngrid Martorell Correu-e: Telèfon: 973 003 456 / 973 003 569 Fax: 973 003 575
Àmbit temàtic: Enginyeria i Arquitectura |
The research group Sustainability in Energy, Machinery and Buildings, SEMB is a consolidated research group of the University of Lleida. It is integrated by researchers of multidisciplinary profiles in the fields of Industrial Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Agro Engineering and the Architecture.
The SEMB group focuses the research efforts on four different sections or areas, but with possible fields of interaction. The areas are:
- Energy Systems
- Design and Optimization of Machinery
- Building Sustainability
- Research in teaching methodologies in STEM degrees (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)
Equip Investigador
Coordinadora del grup
Ingrid Martorell Boada | |
Investigadors a temps complet
Marc Medrano Martorell | | |
Miquel Nogués Aymamí | | |
Joan Roca Enrich | | |
Javier Bradineras Escó | | |
Albert Castell Casol | | |
Cristian Solé Cutrona | | |
Lídia Rincón Villareal | | |
Martí Comellas Andrés | | |
Bernat Esteban Dalmau | | |
Jêróme Barrau | | |
Joan Ignasi Rosell Urrutia | | |
Manel Ibañez Plana | | |
Ferran Badia Pascual | |
Investigadors post-doctorals
Montserrat Vilarrubí Porta | | |
Roger Vilà Mirò | | |
Reda Mohammed Haddouche | | |
Alicia Crespo | | |
Boniface Mselle | |
Investigadors pre-doctorals
Desideri Rubén Regany Vendrell | | |
Ariadna Carrobé Montalvo | | |
Jaume Camarasa Falip | | |
Jonathan Jesús Cofré | |
Dynamic systems applied solar energy (APSE)
Dades Generals
Adreça Professional: EPS CREA - Pere de Cabrera, s/n (Lleida - 25001) - Laboratori 0.15 Pàgina Web: Coordinador del grup: Daniel Chemisana Correu-e: Telèfon: 973 702 728 Fax: 973 702 716 Àmbit temàtic: Enginyeria i Arquitectura |
We are a physics and engineering team specialized in research of solar technologies. From here, it takes our name: ApSE, Applied Solar Energy. This team has very experienced members in the field of solar energy coming from the University of Lleida (Higher Polytechnic School - EPS), the Polytechnic University of Catalonia - UPC (CIMNE-BEEGROUP) and other international universities. We have over 10 years working together on projects related to solars systems and prototypes in building integration.
Nowadays, research in solar utilization technologies is a very important fact, especially if it is considered they are technologies that use the sun as renewable energy source. So, their development should alleviate countless suffered crisis in the history, caused by non-renewable nature of fossil energy.
We created this website to facilitate contact with the business world, both national and international level. We are seeking to expand our portfolio of customers by offering services like characterization, modelling, prototyping and consulting. As well as giving optimal solutions to potential problems caused by several solar technologies.
We have two experimental facilities: LOTC and CTTC, used for real testing of improving efficiency and energy savings for building-integrated solar systems.
Equip Investigador
Group leader |
Chemisana Villegas, Daniel | Associate professor | University of Lleida |
Research staff |
Badia Pascual, Fernando | Associate professor | University of Lleida |
Barrau, Jerome | Lecturer | University of Lleida |
Castellvi Sentis, Francesc | Associate professor | University of Lleida |
Cipriano Lindez, Jordi | Post-Doc | CIMNE-Beegroup from UPC |
Doz Murillo, Tamara | Researcher | University of Lleida |
García Rodríguez, Isaac Antoni | Associate professor | University of Lleida |
Giné Mesa, Jaume | Full professor | University of Lleida |
Grau Montaña, María Teresa | Associate professor | University of Lleida |
Illa Alibes, Josep | Lecturer | University of Lleida |
Lamnatou, Chryssovalantou | Assistant professor | University of Lleida |
Lopez Lorenzo, Jose Santos | Researcher | University of Lleida - CIMNE |
Marin, Julia | Researcher | University of Lleida |
Maza Sabido, Susana | Associate professor | University of Lleida |
Mor Martinez, Gerard | Researcher | CIMNE-Beegroup from UPC |
Moreno, Alex | Researcher | University of Lleida |
Pérez García, Pedro Jesús | Full professor | University of Lleida |
Riverola, Alberto | Researcher | University of Lleida |
Rosell Urrutia, Joan Ignasi | Associate professor | University of Lleida |
A3 Leather Innovation Center
Dades Generals
Adreça Professional: Campus Universitari Igualada-UdL - Avinguda Pla de la Massa, 8,08700, Igualada (Barcelona) Pàgina Web: Coordinador del grup: Anna Bacardit Correu-e: Telèfon: 93 803 53 00 Àmbit temàtic: Ciències |
El Campus Universitari Igualada-UdL compta amb un grup de recerca propi, A3 Leather Innovation Center, un grup de recerca especialitzat en la cadena de producció de la pell. La recerca de l’A3 Center es focalitza en la innovació, la qualitat i el medi ambient fent èmfasi en la sostenibilitat dels processos de fabricació i en l'aplicació de noves tecnologies i materials avançats.
Els seus objectius són concentrar el know-how de la indústria del sector adober, promoure la innovació i l’aplicació de noves tecnologies en el sector de la pell, desenvolupar projectes innovadors per obtenir noves funcionalitats de la pell, potenciar la captació, formació i retenció de talent, evitant la fuga de professionals, dinamitzar l’economia local i potenciar el Leather Cluster Barcelona.
Equip Investigador
PDI Doctor
- Anna Bacardit
- Grau Baquero
- Jordi Bou
- Felip Combalia
- Rosa Cuadros
- Joaquim Font
- Lluís Ollé
Personal investigador
- Concepció Casas
- Marta Chuecos
- Mireia Cobos
- Rubén Criado
- Maria González
- Teresa Mir
- Níria Pascual
- Maria Reyes
- Anna Ruiz
- Sílvia Sorolla,
- Reno Spinosi
- Mireia Conde
Innovative Technologies for Sustainability (IT4S)
Dades Generals
Adreça Professional: Campus cappont UdL - C. Pere Cabrera s/n Pàgina Web: Coordinador del grup: Gabriel Pérez Luque Correu-e: Telèfon: +34-973 003573 Àmbit temàtic: |
La missió del grup de recerca IT4S de la Universitat de Lleida és la investigació i transmissió de coneixement sobre tecnologies innovadores que contribueixen a la sostenibilitat i al desenvolupament sostenible en els camps de l’arquitectura i l’enginyeria.
Equip Investigador
PDI Doctor
- Gabriel Pérez
- Julià Coma
Personal investigador
- Josep M. Burgués
- Xavier F. Rodríguez