Ponència: Procesos computacionales dentro de la práctica del arte

a càrrec de Varvara & Mar

Informació de l'esdeveniment
Auditori del Centre de Cultures i Cooperació Transfronterera del campus de Cappont

Jaume II, 67

Activitat gartuïta
Ponència “Procesos computacionales dentro de la práctica del arte” (1920 × 1080 px) (2)

El pròxim dimarts 20 de desembre de 2022, en el marc de les assignatures Art i Interacció i Continguts Digitals del Grau en Disseny Digital i Tecnologies Creatives, coordinades pel professor Kepa Landa, es durà a terme la ponència “Procesos computacionales dentro de la práctica del arte” (Computational Processes within the Art Practice) a càrrec de Varvara & Mar, un duet artístic format per Varvara Guljajeva i Mar Canet.

La xerrada es desenvoluparà a l'Auditori del Centre de Cultures i Cooperació Transfronterera del campus de Cappont (Jaume II, 67) partir de els 17.00 hores.


Varvara & Mar is an artist duo formed by Varvara Guljajeva and Mar Canet in 2009. Often duo’s work is inspired by the digital age. In their practice, they confront social changes and the impact of the technological era. In addition to that, Varvara & Mar are fascinated by artificial intelligence, kinetics, audience participation, and digital fabrication, which are integral parts of their work.

The artist duo has exhibited their art pieces in a number of international shows and festivals. Varvara & Mar has exhibited at MAD in New York, FACT in Liverpool, Santa Monica in Barcelona, Barbican and V&A Museum in London, Onassis Cultural Centre in Athens, Ars Electronica museum in Linz, ZKM in Karlsruhe, etc.

In addition to that, the duo has completed various commissions, like Neuronal Landscapes (2018) for Estonian History Museum, Wishing Wall (2014) for Google and Barbican in frames of Digital Revolution exhibition, and more. In 2017 they have completed a public art commission in Tallinn for NUKU Theatre and have been awarded several times the 2nd and the 3rd prizes for public art in Estonia.

Varvara (born in Tartu, Estonia) holds the position of Assistant Professor in Computational Media and Arts at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (GZ). Previously she has held positions at the Estonian Academy of Arts and ELISAVA School of Design in Barcelona. Varvara has a PhD in art from the Estonian Academy of Arts. Her dissertation “From interaction to post-participation: the disappearing role of the active participant” can be found here. Varvara has also a master’s degree in digital media from ISNM in Germany and a bachelor’s degree in IT from Estonian IT College.

Mar (born in Barcelona) is PhD candidate in BFM at Tallinn University and a research fellow at Cudan Open Lab. He has two degrees: in art and design from ESDI in Barcelona and in computer game development from University Central Lancashire in UK. He also has gained a master’s degree from Interface Cultures at the University of Art and Design Linz. In addition to that, Mar is a co-founder of Derivart and Lummo.

Varvara and Mar are both members of the Estonian Artists Association.